

論文題目:論擴大沒收非被告所有供犯罪使用工具之合憲性 作者:陳文貴



刑法沒收新制將沒收定性為獨立的法律效果,連帶的也解除了犯罪工具沒收的罪責要件,同時將非被告所有供犯罪使用之工具,亦納入沒收之範圍。在刑法沒收制度修正後,相關特別刑法更進一步擴大修正,所有供犯罪使用之工具,不問屬於犯罪行為人與否,均沒收之。惟刑法沒收非被告所有供犯罪使用之工具,仍以犯罪工具之所有權人,係無正當理由提供或取得為要件。但特別刑法卻引入犯罪所得擴大沒收之制度,將所有供犯罪使用之工具,不問所有權人是否無正當理由提供或取得,均一概予以沒收。此涉及到憲法第15條人民財產權保障之問題,其合憲性值得斟酌。 本文係就特別刑法修正,擴大沒收非被告所有供犯罪使用工具之規定,以最高法院之相關判決為例,從比較法及憲法保障人民財產權之意旨加以檢討分析,並提出本文之看法,俾供參考。  


A Constitutional Discussion on The Expanded Confiscation for The Tools Provided by Non-defendants Used

Wen-kuei, Chen


The newly amended Criminal Code has re-characterized confiscation as independent legal effect. Such amendment has thus jointly removed the criminal elements that constitute confiscation of criminal tools. At the same time, all tools used for crimes provided by non-defendants shall be considered within the reach of confiscation. Following the amendment of the confiscation system in the Criminal Code, further amendment of corresponding special criminal law has been carried out. All tools provided for committing crimes shall be accordingly confiscated whether they belong to the offenders or not. To be noted, the confiscation of all tools used for crimes provided by non-defendants according to the Criminal Code is still determined by whether the criminal tools are provided or obtained by the owners with or without proper reasons. Contrarily, the special criminal law has been introduced the system of extended confiscation of proceeds of crimes, in which all tools used for crimes shall be confiscated regardless of whether they are provided or obtained by the owners with or without legitimate reasons. This condition involves the right of property guaranteed to the people specified in Article 15 of the Constitution. Therefore, the constitutionality of the above-mentioned system should be reconsidered. In this paper, the author reviewed and analyzed the Supreme Court verdicts concerning extended confiscation of all tools used for crimes provided by non-defendants specified in the amended special criminal law from the perspectives of comparative law and the right of property guaranteed to the people by the Constitution. In addition, some viewpoints and opinions are presented in this paper and serve as a reference.
