

論文題目:論法律解釋的目標 作者:林更盛





On the Goal of Statutory Interpretation

Geng-Schenq Lin


How to determine the goal of statutory interpretation is not only an academic issue, but is also essential when deciding the preferences of different rules. In Taiwan, under the influence of German jurisprudence, there are three theories - subjectivism, objectivism and synthesis - regarding statutory interpretation; and the objectivism is the mainstream in current academic discussion. In recent years, the issue of statutory interpretation is greatly discussed again in Germany. After reviewing German’s discussions, we conclude that there is no universal answer to the issue. Statutory interpretation shall depend on each and every concrete legal framework. And the discussion of statutory interpretation shall consider the following elements: the Constitution (for instance, the rule of law and the legislature supremacy), different fields of law (for instance, legal loopholes allowing judges to make new rules in civil law vs. nulla poena sine lege in criminal law), and different legal concepts with different types of legal norms (for instance, principles vs. rules).
