

論文題目:法律人生的歷史素養─以中國法史為例 作者:黃源盛



凡有所學,均有其學習的動機,為什麼要學「法史學」?它的名稱有何爭議?這門學科的性質在整個法學體系中如何定位?一部二、三千年的中國法史,該從哪裡談起?要談甚麼?怎麼談?有哪些課題需要列入講授的核心部分? 尤其重要的是,「學問始於方法,也終於方法。」一門學科的探討,如何能從單純的「知識」,終而能悟其得失取捨之道的「智慧」,這需要長期行深深行的積累。 本文之作,是筆者從事斯學三十年,對以上諸問的一些看法,談一些中國法史教學與研究的基本概念,是法史學的第一堂課,也是點滴的感悟心得!


Historical Accomplishments of Lawyers - Taking Chinese Legal History as an Example

Yuan-Sheng Huang


Where there is a learning, there is a learning motivation. Why learn “legal history”? What is the controversy of the name? How does the nature of this subject position be defined in the whole legal system? For a 2 or 3 thousand year Chinese legal history, which stage shall it start with? What and how does it discuss? Which topics need to be included in the core of lectures? Especial importantly, “knowledge must begin and end in method”. Investigation of an academic subject, how to access from pure “knowledge” to “wisdom”, in virtue of which the gain and loss approaches can be apprehended, it needs to profoundly accumulate over a long period of time. Having engaged in legal history studies over 30 years, this article provides my responses to the above-mentioned doubts. Discussing fundamental concepts of Chinese legal history for teaching and research, not only is the first lesson of legal history, but also shares my personal bits and chunks of perceptional experiences.
