

論文題目:論相鄰關係「居住環境權」保護之法秩序變遷 作者:陳旺聖



隨著工業化與現代化之時代來臨,氣候變遷、環境汙染之情形日益嚴重,適宜之居住環境逐漸受重視,則須有相關法規範予以保障,自最高法院92年台上字第164號民事判決(判例)創設居住安寧權為人格權以來,對於相鄰關係之保護仍未有明顯之進展,直至2020年3月4日最高法院108年度台上字第2437號民事判決承認居住安寧與生活環境同為民法第195條第1項之衍生人格法益,就民法第195條其他重大人格法益,以價值補充之方式為法之續造,肯認生活環境權為新興人格權,可謂居住環境權保障之2.0版本,而對於相鄰關係居住環境權保護之法秩序變遷即有探索與檢討之必要。 本文透過法學方法之應用以完善當代之法秩序,尤為體現憲法保障之人性尊嚴於部門法之意義,藉由法律解釋、利益衡量論、價值補充等法學方法論之法學方法,開展民事法相鄰關係居住環境權保護之本土法釋義學;並輔以比較法之觀點,檢視現行關於人性尊嚴、環境權、人格權、日照權及採光權等之規範。甚就相鄰關係居住環境權予以類型化與相互間之調和,提出因應之策,期能提升我國適足居住權之法律地位,以減少相鄰關係居住環境權之紛爭。


On the Changes of the Legal Order Concerning the Protection of the“ Right to the Residential Environment ”in the Adjacency Relation

Wang-Sheng Chen


With the advent of industrialization and modernization, the situation of climate change and environmental pollution become more and more serious, and the right to a suitable residential environment is gradually being valued and must be protected by relevant laws and regulations. Since the Supreme Court Civil Judgment (92) Tai-Shang-Tzu No.164 created the right to peaceful residence as the personality rights, there has been no obvious progress in the protection of adjacency relation. Until March 4, 2020, the Supreme Court Civil Judgment (108) Tai-Shang-Tzu No.2437 recognizes that both residential tranquility and living environment are the derived personality legal benefits of the paragraph 1 of Article 195 of the Civil Code. Regarding Article 195 of the Civil Code and other important legal interests of personality, use judicial law-making by value supplementation, and the right to residential environment is recognized as a new personality right, which can be described as the 2.0 version of the protection of the right to living environment, and it is necessary to explore and review the changes in the legal order of the protection of the right to residential environment of adjacency relation. This article uses the application of legal methods to improve the contemporary legal order, and in particular reflects the meaning of human dignity guaranteed by the constitution in the departmental law. Developing local legal dogmatics on the protection of the right to residential environment to the adjacent relationship of civil law, through legal methods of methodology in jurisprudence such as statutory interpretation, the balance of interests theory, and value supplement. And reviewing the current norms on human dignity, environmental rights, personality rights, right to enjoy sunshine, and rights to light with the viewpoint of comparative law. Finally, categorize the right to residential environment of adjacency relation to reconcile with each other, and to propose countermeasures. Hope that the legal status of the right of adequate housing in our country will improve, so as to reduce the disputes about the right to the residential environment of adjacency relation.
