

論文題目:投票行賄罪的犯罪性質-兼評最高法院九十九年度第五次刑事庭會議 作者:李聖傑





The Study of Interference with Voting ─ Also Discussing the Resolution Passed by the 2010 Fifth Criminal Divisions Conference of the Supreme Court of the R.O.C.

Sheng-Chieh Lee


The Supreme Court concluded in the 5th criminal divisions conference last year that offenses of interference with voting in the Article 144 of Criminal Law should in principle be sentenced offense by offense, unless it can be considered as a continuing offense. The opinion implied in this conclusion differs significantly from the mainstream theory, by which the offenses in the Article 144 of the Criminal Law are considered as a collective offense. This essay, by analyzing courts' decisions, tries to discuss the nature of the offenses of interference with voting, and reconstruct the core ideas of the continuing and collective offense. The aim is to clarify the relation between the two types of offenses theoretically and practically.
