

論文題目:替代性風險移轉之法律與監理議題之探討-以財務再保險與巨災債券為討論重心 作者:林昭志





Legal and Regulatory Issues Resulting from Alternative Risk Transfer- Focus Attention on Financial Reinsurance and CAT-Bonds

Chao-Chih Lin


Due to some insurers abusing financial reinsurance to “paper over” their actual accounts, the solution of regulatory control has become worthy of concern. To meet the trend of liberalisation of the insurance market and with a view to keeping market discipline and maintaining fair dealing, the settlement of appropriate regulatory schemes is a requirement. As regards risk transfer, not every type of financial reinsurance requires it. However, following the development of regulatory doctrines and practices, risk types were extended, but the risk transfer element is still essential in a financial reinsurance contract. In order to provide more diverse financial products, to meet the demand of consumers as well as to improve the efficiency of the insurers, increased flexibility in regulatory controls is possible. Moreover, under a CAT-bond regime, the SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) involves in two principal contractual relationships: the first is the relationship with the originator/ceding insurer; the second is the relationship with the bondholders. It is difficult to categorise CAT bonds into a single product industry. Under a diversified system, one single sectoral regulator may have its authority and responsibility under the specified sector or the specified kind of transactions. An ART product can be tailor-made for the sake of the requirement of the cedant. The boundaries between types of financial services or products become blurred. The UK has launched a single regulatory regime by way of legislating the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, which can be reference. The objectives of this paper can be approached by means of analysis from the viewpoint of a comparison of law and practice in England and the US. It is anticipated that foreign experience can in the future serve as material reference for reform in the area of related law in Taiwan.
