

論文題目:密醫罪或業務過失犯罪-以新時代診所案為例 作者:王紀軒



密醫是由來已久的一個行業,在我國現代醫師認證制度確立後,將之入罪,本文以1998 年「新時代診密醫業務過失致死案」為引子,藉此探討密醫犯罪判斷與法律適用上的相關問題。 在密醫罪的犯罪判斷上,最富爭議的是醫療業務的範圍。醫療業務是指,反覆施行醫療行為,所以應優先界定醫療行為。但是,醫療行為的定義眾說紛紜,本文認為醫療行為應是,以醫療目的為中心的醫學專業行為。而醫療行為具有高度專業與不確定性,故執行醫療業務的過程,可能會發生業務過失致病患死傷。判斷行醫者有無過失,需要仰賴鑑定。若密醫因業務過失致病患死傷,當前實務認為成立密醫罪與業務過失致死或致傷罪,二罪依想像競合從一重處斷。本文則持不同看法。最後,本文提出醫師法第28 條密醫罪的修法意見,除刪除贅字外,關於刑度方面可參考日本法,降低有期徒刑的刑期,增加罰金的數額,以求密醫罪的罪刑均衡,並合乎人民的法律情感。


“Research on Fake Doctors & Criminal Negligence-A Case Study in “New Age Clinic Case”

Chi-Hsuan Wang


“Fake Doctors” is an age-old profession, but it is illegal in Taiwan. In this paper, we will discuss legal issues about “Fake Doctors” through the “New Age Clinic Case” in 1998. For determining the crime of “Fake Doctors”, we must understand the identification of legitimate physicians and medical practices. To differentiate medical practices is difficult. This paper argues a “medical practice” is medical professional conduct for medical purposes. In addition, there are also risks of medical practice, some patients will die or be hurt. We try to clarify legal issues about the crime of “Fake Doctors” and criminal negligence. Finally, I would like to amend the law views about Taiwan’s Physician Law Article 28.
