

論文題目:論物之買賣瑕疵擔保責任及買受人之客觀選擇訴之合併─以輻射屋、海砂屋及地震後受損屋之買賣為中心 作者:郭致遠



本文論述出賣人之物之瑕疵擔保責任,探討其責任發生時,買受人有何權利可得行使,並論述有無瑕疵修補請求權,考察德國、日本及美國立法例及實踐情況,資為比較之基礎。又因買賣物之瑕疵,於台灣房屋買賣之現況,輻射屋、海砂屋或地震後受損屋之瑕疵爭議甚多,本文即以此為中心,並自工程科學之專業,討論其判斷標準,據以認定其是否屬有瑕疵之房屋,亦即為法律學及工程科學之整合研究。 出賣人之物之瑕疵擔保責任,有時亦與債務不履行之不完全給付責任競合,即買受人除契約解除權或價金減少請求權外,有時亦另有債務履行、修補瑕疵或損害賠償請求權,發生請求權之競合。基於紛爭之同時解決,買受人於訴訟上自得為訴之客觀合併,但得否為選擇之合併,則涉及其向來見解之究明,本文認為原告就二個以上之訴訟標的,得請求法院擇一而為勝訴之判決。


A study on the law of warranty for sales of house associated with the objective joinder of claims of buyer – focused on the cases of radiated house, chloride-ioned house, and compromised house after earthquake

Chih-Yuan Kuo


The objective of this research paper is articulating seller’s obligation for sale of house under the law of warranty of goods. This paper investigates specific buyer’s rights such as a right to cure the defects, a right to revoke the contract, a right to reject the acceptance, and a right to demand deduction of payment on the basis of a comparative study with Germany Law, Japanese Law, as well as American Law. Moreover, the sale of house in Taiwan has particular disputes relating to dangerous radiation, exceeding chloride ions, and compromised stiffness after serious earthquake. This paper further discusses these disputes on the foundation of an inter-disciplinary research of engineering and legal study. In the practice of civil actions, seller’s obligation for sale of house involves various duties conforming to buyer’s rights for the right to cure the defects, the right to revoke the contract, the right to reject the acceptance, and the right to demand deduction of payment. With regards to the joinder of claims, scholar teachings are diverse in the civil law system. This paper supports joinder of claims for optional joinder of claims on the reasoning that resolving various disputes in one suit is fair and convenient in the modern society.
