

論文題目:民主、法治與全球化─論拉丁美洲的法律發展困境 作者:巨克毅、許震宇





Democracy, Rule of Law and Globalization─ The Dilemma of Latin America’s Law and Developments



The problem that we try to clarify in this text will mainly be the discussion of failure sequence of building up “democracy” and “rule of law” in Latin America after putting so many efforts. Those efforts are such as imitating European systems which are in the post colonial era and then gradually following the international reputation of United States of America and hopefully to gain supports for their legal development. Besides, the analysis will focus on new political legitimacy proceed from southern to northern America. In our observations, there is a long history of law in Latin America, but the legitimacy has never been approved within each country. The law was introduced, connected to elites mainly, but offered nothing to common people. We agree that the importance of law (and rule of law) is increasing.
