

論文題目:論我國文官中立法制化及其規範效果 作者:楊戊龍





Examining the Enacting of Civil Service Neutrality and What Subject to Its Control

Wu-lung Yang


The political activity of government employees has been a concern of the public and academic circle. The government and the politicians, however, did not seriously and properly deal with this issue in the past years. In order to prevent government officials from unduly using their authority for the purpose of affecting the results of an election, establish a fair and equal competition system in partisan election, ensure efficiency and effectiveness of government operations, and protect public interests, the text argues that the personnel authorities need to reconsider the limitations of political activities of government employees and its enforcement system. The text also advocates the following lines:

o The focus should be directly put on the abuse of official authority and resources, particularly in the high levels, as well as the permissive and the prohibited political activities.

o The abuse of official authority and resources has to be forbidden completely.

o The permissive and the prohibited political activities have to be reasonably defined in a way that accords with the character of the position . For protecting the employee’s rights of participating in permissive activities without fear of reprisal from the agency head, a safeguard system should be established. For disciplining those who in the high levels misuse official authority and resources, an enforceable punishment system should be built.

o Inevitably, some vagueness exists, no matter how hard we try to define the permissive and the prohibited activities. So a neutral advisory opinions and decide on the disputes. Today, whatour community needs devastatingly is a neutral advisory and adjudication system, and a punishment system with enforcement power.
