

論文題目:簡易人壽保險詢問告知與謹慎核保原則之研究 作者:林昭志





A Study on the Inquiry-Disclosure and Prudent Underwriting Principles of Simple Life Insurance

Chao-Chih Lin


Practicing the inquiry-disclosure principle, the simple life insurer should have the inquiries which would influence the risk assessment listed in the proposal form. Having responded those inquiries, the duty of disclosure obligor comes to be carried out. Basically, designed for the general public, the simple life insurance consumers commonly have lack of knowledge on what “sufficient to alter or diminish the insurer’ estimation of the risk to be undertaken” is. For the sake of the interests of the consumers, it should be regarded as having no influence on the insurer’s estimation of the risk whatever matters have not showed on the inquiry of the proposal form. Following the development of insurance law, the principle of prudent underwriting has begun to be paid much attention. Prior to the contracting stage, the simplified life insurer is imposed on fulfilling three sorts of duties, duty to assess the suitability, duty to explain and disclose the information, and duty to appropriately investigate. Back to the Taiwan’s legal system, there are several deficiencies in the he inquiry-disclosure provision provided by the Simple Life Insurance Act; moreover, the principle of prudent underwriting codified into the current statutes is still insufficient. This paper is going to solve the doubts and draw suggestions. For each paragraph, after the points at issue have been stated, a potential solution will be proposed.
