

論文題目:不當勞動行為法制之本土實踐觀察與爭議問題分析 作者:邱羽凡





A Study on the Legal Issues and Practices of Unfair Labor Practice in Taiwan

Yu-Fan Chiu


Resolution for the unfair labor practices has been practiced in Taiwan since 2011. Substantive regulations regulate three types of the unfair labor practices: “disadvantageous treatment,” “domination or interference,” and “bad faith bargaining.” In terms of procedural law, the adjudication chapter of the Act for Settlement of Labor Disputes (ASLD) is the norm. Regulations for unfair labor practices (hereinafter the “Regulations”) has been practiced for 10 years. Although relevant cases still show that Taiwan’s Regulations are still impacted by laws of US and Japan, Taiwan’s practice has developed its own features. According to statistics of Ministry of Labor, there has been 636 applications until 2021, with an average of 66 applications accepted each year. This article will review the issues commonly involved in the cases as a whole, and select recently controversial issues for analysis in terms of procedural law and substantive law. This article will first review the scope of subjects under Article 35 paragraph 1 of the Labor Union Act, and illustrate that labors or labor unions can be only subject who applies for disadvantageous treatment or domination or interference. As for issues of relationships among and elements of Three Practices, and the integration of the adjudication decisions and civil procedures, this article will analyze that the reason why Three Practices can be constituted at once. Moreover, disputes of private rights do not only include dismiss, demote or reducing the wage. To make adjudication decisions have the same legal effect as civil judgement and thus make all disputes of private rights can be resolved effectively, and fit for the purposes of resolution for the unfair labor practice (professional and efficiency), the current regulations should review the procedure regulating how all types of disputes integrate into court.
