論文題目:反洗錢國際組織與司法互助議題之研究 作者:蔡佩芬





Research into International Organizations on Anti-Money Laundering Concerning Legal Assistance

Pei-Fen, Tsai


There are three famous international organizations on anti-money laundering in the world:1.1989 Financial Action Task Force On Money Laundering (FATF); 2.1995 Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units; 3.1998 Asia/Pacific Group on Anti Money-Laundering (APG). The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of national and international policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The FATF is therefore a “policy-making body” created in 1989 that works to generate the necessary political will to bring about legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas. The FATF has published 40+9 Recommendations in order to meet this objective. In 1995 a number of financial intelligence units (FIUs) began working together in an informal organization known as the Egmont Group. The goal of the Egmont Group is to provide a forum for FIUs to improve support to their respective national anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing programs. The FIUs are central, national authorities responsible for receiving, analyzing, and disseminating to competent authorities, disclosures received from the respective financial sectors. The place of FIUs is now well established in the arsenal of measures to combat serious crimes. To ensure the effectiveness of these measures, each FIU must adhere to all of the Egmont Group principles. One of the major principles of the Egmont Group is to enhance the potential for bilateral and multilateral international collaboration in strategic analysis among the FIUs. The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) is an international organization consisting of 40 members and a number of international and regional observers including the United Nations, IMF and World Bank. The APG is closely affiliated with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). All APG members commit to effectively implement the FATF's international standards for anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism referred to as the 40+9 Recommendations. Taiwan is the member of The Egmont Group and APG. This article introduces legitimate, MOU, and the anti-laundering action in Taiwan, and introduce these international organizations, especially 40+9 Recommendations concerning legal assistance and Methodology for Assessing Compliance with the FATF 40 Recommendations and the FATF 9 Special Recommendations, APG's key roles, non-cooperative countries, and Principles for Information Exchange. Moreover, discovering relative questions and the suggested solutions.