論文題目:競爭秩序下的消費者保護在數位經濟的大數據時代中個人資料保護的角色 作者:程法彰



在數位經濟的大數據時代下,如何取得數據的商業利用與個人資料保護的平衡點,是現今各國都必須面臨的重要議題。在取得平衡的過程中,如何面對數據跨境流動保護落差的爭議,則是本文切入議題討論的角度。文中嘗試藉由類比個人資料保護法益平衡難題與研發創新的難度,提出漸進式的強化個人資料保護模式,亦即是以現有的法規範作個人資料保護補充,相較於以全新的個人資訊保護內容增加規範,或許更能達到彌補個人資料保護落差的預期效果。 藉由利用競爭秩序的反競爭概念,作為強化個人資料保護的實踐上,對於界定市場與反競爭秩序效果所產生證明上的挑戰,以及將帶有人格權性質的個人資料隱私予以財產化的做法,需要作理論上的進一步論述,使得反競爭概念的選項在現階段並非作為常態性執法依據的合適選項。相反的,利用競爭秩序下的消費者保護概念,不但可以避免前述界定市場與證明非價格因素的反競爭秩序效果難題,同時也可以減少個人資料隱私財產化的潛在爭議。因此我國在沒有美國的概括式不公平類型化條文前提下,消費者保護下的定型化契約可以針對不同行為類型作出彈性的保護,對於目前在數位經濟時代下關於個人資料保護的定位上仍在拉扯的法益衡量現況,或許是更適合的選項。


The Consumer Protection of Personal Data against Unfair Competition in the Era of Digital Economy with Big Data

Cheng, Fa-Chang


In the era of digital economy with big data, how to strike a balance between commercial use of personal data and its protection is imminent to countries around the world. This article primarily focuses to solve the discrepancy of personal data protection due to cross-border data flow in the wake of reaching the above-mentioned balance. This article attempts to analogize between difficulties to strike such balance and difficulties to develop innovation for applying incremental innovation theory. That is this article suggests to supplement personal data protection with existent legal remedies could reach better outcome of compensating such protection discrepancy due to cross-border data flow. Unfair competition is bifurcated: anti-competition aspect and consumer protection aspect. This article concludes that anti-competition theory is not appropriate to be the legal basis as regulatory law enforcement to enhance personal data protection. The challenge of explaining market demarcation, proving anti-competitive effects, and further justifying propertization tendency of personal data, bolsters such conclusion and needs to be resolved. Conversely, consumer protection theory can avoid the mentioned challenge to supplement personal data protection by anti-competition theory. Therefore, in considering there is no generalized “unfair” provision in Taiwan’s Consumer Protection Act, compared with the United States, the standard form contract mechanism in consumer protection might offer flexible application to personal data protection, pending upon different types of behavior, which makes consumer protection theory more suitable to the ongoing balance of interests in personal data protection.