論文題目:企業因氣候變遷而生損害賠償責任之成立可能性及其風險管理─以美國法律與實務為中心 作者:張冠群、李慧芳





The Potentiality of the Climate Change Liability Risk Facing Enterprises and its Management – A Study on the Laws and Practices of the United States

Kuan-Chun Chang ;Hui-Fang Li


Global climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing the world today. Where the government fails to enact legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, states and private parties cannot avoid to pursue alternative avenues for addressing greenhouse gas emissions. One such avenue is climate change litigation, pursued by both states and private parties. These claims rely mainly on the common law especially the tort law to address climate change-related harms and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the United States, several such law suits have been filed against various greenhouse gas emitters as well as auto manufacturers. While some of which were dismissed based on the doctrine of political question which indicates that claims of this type lacks of judicially discoverable and manageable standards, recent decisions such as Massachusetts, et al. v. EPA, Comer v. Murphy Oil USA Inc. and Connecticut et. al. v. Am. Electric Power Co. Inc. have denied the application of the political question doctrine and recognized the standing of the plaintiffs. These decisions create the potential tort liability of major greenhouse emitters. Facing such fresh legal risk, it is essential for enterprises to start seeking risk management tools available to them. As insurance is one of the most common mechanisms for risk transfer and risk distribution, it may be an appropriate alternative for greenhouse emitters to manage the climate change liability risk under the premise that such risk is insurable. Accordingly, this paper will first probe the possibility of the establishment of the climate change liability through observing recent Federal court cases. Meanwhile, this paper will also provide theoretical justification for such liability. After ascertaining the possibility of the climate change liability, this paper attempts to explore the potentiality of using insurance as a tool for managing such legal risk by determining the insurability of the climate change liability. Eventually, this paper will conclude with an affirmation of the possibility of climate change liability and the feasibility of managing it through insurance.