論文題目:政府部門人力多元化管理 作者:許慶復



人口及經濟結構的改變,加速形成了全球的多元化人力。員工基於年齡、性別、文化、教育、身心情況、價值認知等因素,而有極大差異。公部門自1980 年代推動政府再造,文官管理措施的彈性化,增加更多臨時性的人力、特殊性人力,以因應組織的發展及適應不同員工的需求,更彰顯多元化管理日趨重要。本文探討政府部門多元化管理政策的演進,並以美國經驗加以佐證;透過政策演進的過程,進一步說明多元化管理與傳統公部門人事管理之間的價值辯證,再以女性、原住民族及身心障礙者為例,說明我國政府多元化人力現況及其展望。


Diversity Management in Public Sector Workforces

Ching-fu, Hsu


The change of population and economic structure accelerated the diversity of global workforce. There are individual differences among employees due to different demographical factors such as age, gender, culture, education, mental condition, and value perception. Flexibility management initiatives were introduced to the public sector in 1980s for re-engineering the government. These efforts indicated significance of diversity management. This article discussed the policy evolution of diversity management in government and its value to personnel management. The author also tried to illustrate the current application in government employment of diversified civil service with cases of women, aboriginal and handicap candidates.