論文題目:ICSID框架下台商赴中國大陸跨國投資爭端解決之探討 作者:林俊宏



國外直接投資近年來在經濟全球化的腳步下快速成長,構築成國際經貿體系中非常重要的一環,而FDI 對資本輸出國或流入國的經濟活動亦扮演極重要角色,而各國為吸引外資以配合國家建設之發展,皆有不同的政策及法規範調整模式,惟跨國投資雖帶來高收益,但亦伴隨著高風險,而在面臨高風險時,外國投資人即須注意跨國投資爭端發生後可能的解決途徑,尤其是現今國際投資爭端解決機制之形成及發展更有其重要性,即國際間必須維持一個有效的法秩序,以保障國際商業交易的繼續成長,故探討相關跨國投資爭端解決之機構有其意義。另一方面,中國大陸先前為吸引國外資金、促進國內經濟發展為目標,而提供多項投資優惠,但當中國大陸現今經濟發展至一定規模之後,即須調整產業結構及配合國家發展方向,適度修改法令,而為國家發展而作出之政策轉變原無可厚非,但若法規範更動頻繁,導致跨境投資之鉅額損失,外國投資人可否訴請被投資國予以補償?面對投資爭端,台商在大陸是否可獲得與他國投資者相同公平、有效之投資爭端解決待遇?或在中國大陸投資之台資企業是否可運用現行國際投資爭端機制加以解決?尤其當台灣目前於國際社會之處境仍為尷尬之際,台資企業遇到投資糾紛時,如何自保?有何求助管道?是台資企業赴中國大陸投資時不可不加以考量的風險因素,故本文即欲針對國際投資爭端解決機制與台商赴中國大陸投資爭端解決模式加以整理與探討。


A Study of International Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism and its Application on Taiwanese Investors in Mainland China

Chun Hung, Lin


Under the trend of economic globalization, foreign direct investment has increased with high-speed, and become one part of international trade system. Because it’s important role in economic activities, many countries have designed their own investment regulations and policies to fit the goals for national development. Although foreign direct investment has brought high-return, it also follows with high risk. Under such a high risk, foreign investors have to consider and find out the best resolutions for international investment disputes if it happens. Thus it is important and meaningful to debate the mechanism and legal orders for international investment disputes in order to protect free flow of international trade and business transactions. On the other hand, Mainland China had provided numbers of investment incentives to attract foreign capital and promote domestic economic development. However, following with the high economic growth rates, Mainland China had called off several special benefits for foreign investors, and made several legal adjustments to upgrade its industrial structures. Those changes may cause foreign investors huge loss so that they have to seek for the best way for investment disputes resolution. Taiwanese investors, as one of the biggest foreign investors, face different challenges and situation than other countries due to its special status in the international community. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the possible models for Taiwanese investors to handle investment disputes occurred in Mainland China.