論文題目:論環境信託制度之理論與實際:以美國法經驗與對我國之立法借鏡為中心 作者:吳行浩





A Comparative Legal Analysis to Charitable Trusts in the Context of Environmental Protection between the United States and the Taiwan

Hsing-Hao Wu


Environmental protection has now moved to a new age that requires more collaborative approaches to tackle new environmental challenges. Biodiversity protection, for instance, requires citizen’s active participation to protect wildlife habitant owned by private parties. Environmental trusts have provided appropriate means to establish citizen-based environmental management programs. Environmental trusts are intended to protect specific environmental interests in accordance to environmental protection purposes specified by the donor. It also provides landowners incentives to donate their lands because the trustee should be bound to manage the land consistent with donor’s specified environmental protection purposes. Moreover, landowners could benefit from tax incentives as a result from the establishment of an environmental trust. This article focuses on the evaluation of promise and limits of relevant law and policy with respect to environmental trusts in the United States and Taiwan. This article first analyzes judicial opinions as well as academic comments regarding to perpetual conservation easement in the U.S. jurisdiction. I will then outline some of drawbacks of Taiwan’s charitable trust law. By learning from U.S.’s experience with respect to modification and termination of perpetual conservation easement, the concluding part of this article provides some suggestions for future regulatory reforms of Taiwan’s environmental trusts law.