論文題目:德國電子監控制度之探討 作者:馬躍中



電子監控設備最早起源於1960年代的美國,相較於世界各國,德國實施電子監控制度較其它國家來的晚。德國於2000年5月2日在法蘭克福地區首先將電子監控適用於刑事司法領域,然而僅為實務上的操作。德國第一次將電子監控制度法制化是巴登.符騰堡邦,該邦之電子監控制度於2009年7月29 日正式立法,並於同年8月7日生效。也是全德第一個電子監控之立法,推動該立法的主要目的,乃藉由電子監控制度達到再社會化之目的以及減少政府財政負擔。該法案主要是參考外國立法,希望未來成為其它各邦立法參考。


Study of the Act of Electronic Monitoring in Germany

Yueh-Chung Ma


Earliest electronic monitoring equipment originated in United States of 1960s. Compared with various countries in the world, Germany implemented electronic monitoring system later than others. On May 2, 2000 Frankfurt region of Germany firstly applied electronic monitoring in the field of criminal justice but still only for practical operation. Germany’s first legislation of electronic monitoring is in Baden Wurttemberg state. Electronic surveillance system of Baden Württemberg state in German has officially legislated on July 29th 2009 and entered into force on August 7th at the same year, which is also the the first electronic surveillance legislation in German. The main hope to promote the legislation is through electronic surveillance system to achieve the purpose of re-socialization and to reduce the fiscal burden of government. The bill's primarily reference is based on other countries' legislation; in hope to be future legislative reference for other states in German.