論文題目:論令狀搜索之實然與應然 作者:黃翰義





Presenting the Scope of Search Warrant: in Practice and in Place

Han-Yi Huang


The Supreme Court of the U.S. held that a warrant, left blank while executing or filled out after a search and seizure, may interfere with an individual's Fourth Amendment interests. However, when the search is undertaken pursuant by a judge, the power to act is apparently upheld as a valid investigation.The district court of sa-ga in Japan recognized that a residence written in the warrant for a search or seizure is based on protecting the right of the people to live and manage in their homes.An essential purpose of a warrant referred to the residence can be exposed to the public, which should be precisely understood without difficulty. However, it is necessary that the act to investigate crime is well within the restrictions under the minimum level.