論文題目:從憲法觀點檢視樂生療養院爭議 作者:許育典、凌赫





A Legal Analysis of Losheng Sanatorium Debates-From the Point of View of the Constitution

Yue-Dian Hsu/Her Lin


Losheng Sanatorium was built by the Japanese colonial government. It was designed for quarantine and treatment of lepers. As a result, Losheng Sanatorium became the institution of quarantine and imprisonment for thousands of patients. Besides the debate of human right issues, as a witness of the history in public health in Taiwan, from a cultural perspective Losheng Sanatorium is not only no obstruction of urban development, but in fact can add inestimable value as a cultural asset. In 2008, debates of Losheng Sanatorium was temporarily ended by the negotiating result of partial preservation of main buildings and relocation of some other buildings. After those debates, there are still some problems to be discussed. Since the constitution is generally held to contain basic society values, we will try to find the position of community culture and heritage preservation in the constitution. To analyze those debates in legal study and to avoid this happening again, beyond the legal review of adminis-trative system level, we will use constitutional theories and ju-risprudence method to undertake a legal analysis of those de-bates.