論文題目:論非治療性微整形美容與消費者保護法之適用 作者:魏伶娟







A Study on Non-Therapeutic Micro Cosmetic Surgery and its Appropriateness of Applying Consumer Protection Act

Ling-Chuan Wei


In recent decades, the rise of aesthetic medicine has become a significant trend in medicine. In particular, micro-plastic surgery, including optical and injection treatments, is the most favored choice for patients. With the rapid popularization of the non-therapeutic micro-plastic surgery, related medical disputes are increasing every year. While Ministry of Health and Welfare attempts to tighten control over professional expertise and technical training to the related practitioners, it is still unclear about how to solve the medical lawsuits resulted from micro cosmetic surgery in the current legal environment. Traditionally, opinions of the court incline to the view that the general medical treatment is not applicable to Customer Protection Law for it may encourage a doctor, in order to protect him/herself from any possible medical disputes, to choose a low-risk treatment instead of a proper, effective but high-risk treatment. But the following question is whether the argument still holds in the cases of micro cosmetic surgery.

In view of this, the study first tries to define the characteristics of micro cosmetic surgery – if it is a medical treatment and how it is different from general medical treatment. And I will further discuss if it is necessary to categorize medical treatments and to make a proper legal assessment for each of them.

Then by analyzing two judgments with different perspectives on the issue, the study will explore their standpoints and arguments about whether Costumer Protection Act can be applied to the medical disputes from micro cosmetic surgery. In the conclusion, hopefully we can see more clearly about if the application is appropriate and what benefit it creates from distinguishing legal interpretation and evaluation to different cases.