論文題目:違反財產申報規定的處罰規範與檢討 作者:王紀軒





The Review for Penalties in Illegal Property-Declaration

Chi-Hsuan Wang


“Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants” is an important anti-corruption legal system in Taiwan. Many countries or regions have property-declaration legal system as a method to prevent corruption. The property-declaration legal system is requiring specific public servants periodically declare themselves and their spouse and minor children. This system can remind public servants to avoid corruption, and hope people trust officials. In Taiwan, if a public servant violate the property-declaration legal system, this man must endure punishment or administrative penalty based on Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants Article §12. There are four kinds of illegal situations: public servants obliged to declare properties, no declarations; or making false declarations; or making false declarations due to intentional concealment of properties; or having increments of total properties that are above the total annual income of themselves, fail to explain without justifiable reasons or make untruthful explanations. In recent years, there are many scandals about cases of corruption by high-ranking official, undermine people's trust in government. In a series of corruption crimes, property-declaration legal system did not fulfill its function apparently. This paper argues that Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants implemented since 1993, although there are several amendments (most recently in January 2014), still need to improve. First, law words about “making false declarations” should be exact (Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants Article §12. 1, 3). Second, we should consider abolish the penalty about public servants cannot explain the source of declared property (Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants Article §12. 2). Third, we should pay attention to how to make offices deal with property declaration information have more profession, and become self-rule. This paper focuses on Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants Article §12 penalties for false declaration is necessary to review.