論文題目:日本刑事證據法則修法對我國之啟示 作者:李春福



我國刑事訴訟法近代化,以及從法律繼受的觀點,日本至今 依然深深地影響著我國。日本從1948 年第二次世界大戰後,將 職權主義改為當事人主義之立法,到2020 年為止,已歷經修法 50 次;而引人注目,就是從2016 年至2020 年這五年之間,一 共修法了5 次;而其中,就2016 年(平成28 年)6 月3 日法律 第54 號通過諸多的立法,總共增刪條文達83 條之多,惟限於篇 幅,僅就前三次修法中,有關證據法則修正之重要部分,就證人 刑事免責制度、詰問證人時之保護及其證人等安全不受威脅之細 緻化措施、增設偵查中之錄音及錄影,以及證據開示對象之擴大 等探討,以作為我國法之借鏡與參考。 同時,日本證人刑事訴追之免責制度,乃由檢察官所提出, 而引進此刑事免責制度,在政策上具有重大意義,尤其是為了難 以破獲或查明重大組織性或結構性之犯罪,因行使自證己罪之拒 絕證言權,而有拒絕供述之情形,惟若強制該證人之供述,就能 查明組織性或結構性重大犯罪之其他人有利證據,這也是對證人 的一種獎賞;或日本就證人詰問時之保護及其細緻化之措施,而 與我國現行證人詰問保護措施之有何不同或差異。或就日本偵查 中之錄音及錄影,與我國現行法第100 條之1 的訊問被告之錄 音、錄影有何不同;乃至就日本行之久年的證據開示制度新修法 後的介紹等等,為逐一論述及其對我國之啟示。


The Inspiration to Taiwan from Japanese Amendments to the Legal Rules of Evidence in its Criminal Procedure Code

Chun-Fu Lee


As Taiwan was subject to the Japanese colonial rule for fifty years, the local criminal procedure system commenced modernization. In addition, based on the point of view on the historical origin of judicial system, Japanese Criminal Procedure Code (“JCPC”) remains having a profound effect on Taiwan. Starting from the end of World War II in 1948, the JCPC adopted the legislation of Adversary system in lieu of the Authority system and the JCPC was amended 50 times up to 2020. It is noteworthy that the latest five amendments from 2016 to 2020 are outstanding. Among these amendments, about 83 Clauses are amended by legislation No.54 on 2016 June 3 (or Ping-Chen Year 28). As constrained from the publication space, this study will focus on the major change of legal rules of evidence in the early three amendments in quite considerate measures on witness’s criminal privileges, protection to conduct the examining of a witness, assurance of witness’s safety and newly requirement on audio or video recording during the investigation, relevant concerned parties invited for evidence disclosure etc., for our comparison and reference. In the meantime, the witness’s criminal privileges in JCPC were proposed by the Prosecutor. It implied a significant meaning in Japanese criminal policy to introduce such a criminal privileges, in particular for those organized or structural crimes that are specifically difficult to identify, break and capture. Under such a circumstance, the witness will refuse testimony under the privilege against self-incrimination. However, the Prosecutors deemed it worthwhile to force the witness to testify so as to gain the advantageous evidence against those organized or structural crimes via provision of an reward to the witness. By comparing the considerate protection measures in JCPC to conduct the examining of a witness or audio, video recording during the investigation, this study tries to identify the difference with the same in Taiwanese Criminal Procedure Code (“TCPC”) and the audio, video recording stipulated in Article 100-1 of TCPC and subsequently introduce the revised evidence disclosure after long practiced in JCPC and its inspiration to us.